Saturday, December 7, 2013

Field Journal #8 - Brand Recognition

Corporate identity nowadays can make or break an organization. A symbol logo, font selection, color selection, etc... can define an organization's identity and purpose. My husband works for the YMCA, which recently went through a national, "rebranding". The Y took a look at it's hundreds of local branches and recognized that each branch misused the Y Logo, color scheme, and marketing philosophy, thus creating a schism in what the public perceives the YMCA to be. Because there was no unified logo, color scheme, or marketing plan, the general public really couldn't define what the YMCA was about. They rebranded and enforced strict marketing guidelines on all chartered YMCA's that included proper usage of the logo, color schemes, fonts, and voice. They even updated their tagline to include the phrase, "so much more" to get the public to see the organization as more than a Gym and Swim. 

From my professional world, I see things that I never would've seen growing up. For example, I truly believe that children will recognize popular logos before they recognize letters and numbers. My niece, for example, was able to identify the gold arches of McDonald's before she was able to recognize all of her letters and numbers. Logos are a very powerful thing in our society. They define an organization and draw in future customers. 

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